Friday, February 27, 2009

The Lord really does work in mysterious, mysterious ways.

I've spent the vast majority of yesterday quietly sobbing and praying in between seeing patients at work, because my Grandpop is very ill in the hospital. They aren't sure how long he has to live, and I am faced with the difficult decision of if and when is best to travel to Pennsylvania where he is. I have no money, because I just had to pay 800 dollars for unexpected car and tire troubles this week, and rent and loans are due early next week... but money isn't the issue when it comes to going to see him. It's merely an inconvenience. It's the decision of do I go now? because Grandpop is under sedation and may not know I'm there? or do I wait and go when he is feeling better perhaps next weekend? or *gulp* if things take a turn for the worse...

It's been hard. 

And yet late last night, in the midst of me drowning in my own selfish problems and sorrow, comes a phone call from someone I've never met. Someone in my same town, literally 3 miles away from where I sat, asking me about adoptions from Amani. Dear, sweet, Jesus.  You are unmistakeable in times like these. You remind me that life does go on despite one area feeling like it might collapse. That one or more families are having a burden for your children laid on their hearts from overseas... and that You are providing for them. 



Unknown said...



NiTasha said...

i love you. and your heart. and hearing this. yes. yes. yes! hes so good.

Gwen Oatsvall said...

I can't wait to meet you !! I can 't wait to ask you a 100 questions and just touch someone else who has been to Uganda and who has seen my kids (even though you didn't know they were mine ... hee hee) ...God is amazing how He knits us together ... How He provides like minded people ... how He gives us amazing strength and desire to LOVE ...

I will pray for your POP ... I pray God gives you clarity when to travel ...

Hugs and Prayers ...

Gwen Oatsvall said...

oh sister ... i am sorry for your earthly loss, but praising w/ the angels about your POP in his forever home ... i will add your grandmom to my prayer list ...

my email is ... please send me your email and we can correspond ... I beyond excited that after over a year of prayer and waiting God has made clear His path ... My sweet Maggie has much to go through this year, but God is working miracles in her and I know He has so much more to open our eyes to this year ...

Can't wait to huge your neck ... did Suz mention how mad I am going to be next week with them all in Uganda and me stuck here !!! perhaps we could cry together and eat some chocolate !!!